Dr. Khajavi, a board-certified anesthesiologist with 20 years of clinical experience became disillusioned by business people, and some doctors, running surgery centers in Southern California with a focus on their bottom line & using unethical tactics to attract surgeons & patients (one center wanted to operate on a woman using her son's insurance information. Another offered kickbacks to primary care doctors to demand that the surgeon took patients to that surgery center), while cutting corners on the care of the patient. Dr. Khajavi, with a proven record of putting patients' safety first, wished to create a state of the art facility that focused on the patient & the surgeon, offering an environment that was welcoming and comforting for our patients & the surgeons could provide up-to-date surgical procedures in an efficient & safe facility. Being an anesthesiologist, Dr. Khajavi has the insight needed to put all the elements together to achieve this.
We are a State of the Art Ambulatory Surgery Center. We offer Bariatirc (Weight Loss) Surgery, Endoscopies (EGD & Colonoscopy), Pain Management, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthopedics, GYN procedures, Cosmetic Surgery, ENT procedures, Dentistry for those with phobias, Laparoscopy, Vasectomies, D&Cs, Treating Uterine Bleeding, among other outpatient procedures.