Prior to establishing his firm, Mr. Springmeyer worked for, and was trained by, one the most accomplished DUI trial attorneys in San Diego. He has handled criminal cases in San Diego, Riverside, Imperial, Los Angeles, and San Luis Obispo County. He has also worked in every facet of the legal system. He worked as an intern at the Public Defenders Officer and at the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of California. Working for the US Attorney provided unparalleled insight into how a prosecutor approaches a case, which translates into positive results in his cases. He also worked as a judicial extern at the United States District Courthouse, so he knows how a judge views a case.
Immigration, removal defense, Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, Restraining Order, Appeals, Federal Criminal Defense, Expungements and Felony Reductions, Traffic, DMV Proceedings (APS Hearings, Medical Suspensions, etc.), Writs, Landlord-tenant, contracts, and professional licensing defense.