Law Office of Peter M. Lively and the Personal Financial Law Center has been assisting individuals and small businesses with financial matters, including debt settlement and obtaining relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code. Please visit our website at A-Bankruptcy-Attorney.com or PeterMLively.com to learn more about our law practice. Please note that our Saturday Office Hours are by appointment only. Thank you.
If you are in financial trouble, we can help you. At the Law Offices of Peter M. Lively, we provide legal assistance to businesses and individuals facing financial difficulties. We often help individuals and small businesses obtain relief under the Bankruptcy Code. Call toll free today for a consultation so that we can review your facts and help you determine your best options. We know that each case is different, and when we discuss your situation we will carefully consider every option. We can often design a plan of action which avoids bankruptcy while resolving your debts and preserving your assets. When bankruptcy is your best option, we have the experience of having previously represented thousands of debtors and we will expertly guide you through the process of liquidation or reorganization for a fresh start.