Miss Sandie's School has been a leading preschool and child care facility in Novato for over 30 years. It provides child care for toddlers as young as 2 months, preschool for 2 - 5 year olds, and after school for Kindergarteners as well. Miss Sandie's School offers a play-based environment with many top-notch outdoor play structures where you'll even find climbing walls.
Its classroom curriculum varies from structured group activities to more individualized art projects, allowing for social and independent learning. Students at Miss Sandie's School will learn music, Spanish, art, in addition to planting and harvesting in their organic gardens. Also a neat tidbit, Miss Sandie's School was the first preschool in the United States to be solar powered. For more information about the school or to schedule a visit, please give Miss Sandie's School a call or visit its Web site.