Modern Acupuncture offers an enhanced acupuncture experience, a reform to healthcare that creates easy access to treatment at an affordable cost. The atmosphere at Modern Acupuncture offers treatment in a peaceful setting and utilizes needle points in areas on the body that do not require the removal of any clothing, yet accesses full body health. Modern Acupuncture was designed based on consumer wants and needs, offering a full range of acupuncture services. Each nationwide location offers the natural health benefits of acupuncture in highly accessible locations. No more unapproachable, unmarked, expensive clinics- you're more likely to find us next to your favorite neighborhood grocer. From the moment you walk through our door, all five senses encounter an environment of relaxation and healing. Natural, earthy colors wash over you. The soft lighting allows your eyes to relax.
Our Mission is to Make Your Life Better We offer an approachable, natural pathway, validated by thousands of years of practice, to better health and well-being for all in a convenient, peaceful and modern location. For Modern Acupuncture, it's in the delivery. Our nationwide locations offer the natural health benefits of acupuncture in highly accessible locations. No more unapproachable, unmarked, expensive clinics - you're more likely to find us next to your favorite neighborhood grocer. From the moment you walk through our door, all five senses encounter an environment of relaxation and healing. Natural, earthy colors wash over you. The soft lighting allows your eyes to relax. In thirty minutes or less, experience healing, escape, relaxation, and a balancing of your body. In your hectic world, Modern Acupuncture is a necessary retreat into proven wellness. Modern Acupuncture's Unmatched Experience What makes a practice that is thousands of years old, modern? For Modern Acupuncture, it's in the delivery. From the moment you walk through our door, all five senses encounter an environment of relaxation and healing. Natural, earthy colors wash over you. The soft lighting allows your eyes to relax. It's quiet. The silence brings peace. If you're a first timer, you will be given a tablet that will walk you through what to expect during your visit. An understanding of the process is crucial for a true escape into healing...