Simoneon Center became a 501 (c)(3) non-profit in 1981. Since 1975 we have worked with hundreds of children who are now leading successful, productive lives. Despite our longevity and rate of success with children and their families, it continues to be difficult for families to find us when their children are still very young, with children often receiving services late, after they enter the elementary school grades. Infants and toddlers have consistently made the fastest and greatest amounts of progress. We have always wanted to see the children at the youngest ages, as we can do more for them, regardless of their diagnosis or developmental delays.
At Simoneon Pediatric Development Center, we are highly experienced, licensed pediatric occupational therapists. Services we provide include Sensory Integration, Auditory Integration Training, Samonas Listening Program, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Anat Baniel Method (Feldenkrais), Greenspan Floor Time, Masgutova Method, Wilbarger Protocol, Handwriting Without Tears. We serve infants through adults (mildly to moderately affected) with challenges in learning, attention, organization, coordination, independence skills, auditory processing, language development, social skills. Typical diagnoses served are Sensory Integration Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, Motor Coordination Delays (or Dyspraxia), Developmental Delay (for infants), mild autism, high functioning Aspergers and/or the combination of two or more of the above. Occupational Therapy is the cornerstone of Simoneon Pediatric Development Center's services. Mary E. Scholer, OTR/L, Executive Director directs the highly regarded Simoneon Pediatric Development Center, for children needing Occupational Therapy and other services to treat delays in development, learning, coordination dysfunction and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD's).