For over 30 Years, Rachel Toomim AP has distinguished herself as a leader, scholar and a results-oriented practitioner. She has served on several National Acupuncture Organization boards, teaches throughout the country, and specializes in merging acupuncture theory with modern medicine to allow for improved health outcomes and better integration with all treatment providers.
Advanced Acupuncture, Rachel Toomim AP, a health care practitioner since 1982, providing Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine since 1988. Advanced Training, Knowledge and Experience Make the Difference Dr. Toomim has Advanced Training in the following specialties: Addictions/Behavioral Health, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Neurology, Nephrology, Otorhinolaryngology (ear/nose/throat), Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, and Rheumatology.