After a delayed opening due to the quarantine, we opened our doors to the Johns Creek, Alpharetta, and North Fulton communities on July 1st, 2020.
Eat the Frog Fitness is the most personalized group training, open 24/7, combining the science of your body, innovative technology, and athletic-inspired workouts to deliver the most personalized results - guaranteed! We focus on sustainable, low-impact training that improves your quality of life. We start by meeting you where you are; asking questions openly, honestly and listening without judgment. It is our mission to understand where you are in your fitness journey and to identify your wants and needs. Our dedicated coaches are here to help you every step of the way. Your personalized workout plan will include a mix of Cardio, Strength, and Agility sessions, designed to equally benefit the first timer, as well as the seasoned veteran, and informed by both your current fitness capacities and your future fitness goals. Take the Leap with us at Eat the Frog Fitness - Johns Creek!