MIHP began in 1998 as a consulting and seminar business targeting unique solutions for the rehabilitation of orthopedic injury. In 2002, the MIHP Headquarters was opened in Southeast Michigan to provide physical therapy services, performance enhancement and seminars. MIHP has expanded to include the MoveWell Corporate program, the Pain-Free Corporate solution based on 10 years of work by the MIHP Think Tank. Sherry McLaughlin, MSPT, the founder of MIHP has traveled the country presenting the methodology of the MIHP Think Tank through the Missing Link Seminar series.
MIHP provides physical therapy, performance enhancement training and seminars to ensure that pain-free, active lives. Got pain? Come in for a 30-minute consultation with an MIHP Movement Training Specialist and get to the root of the problem. Is your body your handicap? Don't let lack of movement or pain or weakness hinder your golf swing or any other recreational pursuit. More times than not, it isn't your equipment that is slowing you down, it's your body. Learn and live. Tap into the MIHP Think Tank. Attend an MIHP seminar, such as, Run Pain-Free, Optimal Golf, Tri-Success or The Missing Link to gain valuable information about how you move and what things you can do to improve your performance. Take your next step to a pain-free, active life. See an MIHP Movement Training Specialist today.