Safe Money Umpire
Hi, my name is Stephen Cagnassola, I am a licensed financial professional in Netcong, NJ. I work with several financial planners, and we specialize in helping people actualize their retirement dream while protecting your nest egg from the retirement nightmare. My philosophy is that there are no "one-size-fits-all" plans when it comes to financial planning. I don't sell a single product or service, rather I work with you to design a financial plan that is both sound and comfortable for you. If you've lost money in the recent stock market crash, if you're looking to get off this roller coaster ride - then call me today and schedule a no-obligation consultation. I'll give you an hour of my time, and we'll discuss the different options open to you. I promise to explain your options in plain English. I won't hide behind Latin mumbo-jumbo or financial jargon. Take a look around my website, and register to see some of the eye opening reports I have on 401(k)s, IRAs, CDs, and taxes.