Fortune Advisory Services was founded by owner Robert Fortune in 2017. You have meaningful goals. We can help you reach them. For over 12 years, we have worked with individuals, families and businesses to deliver services and solutions that help build, preserve and create wealth. Tailored advice for every life stage is the promise. No matter where you are in life we will be right there with you planning for today and all the following tomorrows. You have goals and we can help you reach them. we understand our clients' aspirations and we're as devoted to their goals as they are. By putting clients first, leading with exceptional ideas, doing the right thing, and giving back, fortune capital consulting aims to deliver results today, while setting strategic goals for the future.
Looking to start investing or make more money? We specialize in stock investments, life & disability insurance, retirement and debt relief. Our purpose is to deliver our passion for financial freedom through service and help clients reach their financial goals and obtain the same financial freedom. Our goals planning system tells you where you stand today and the path you should take to achieve your objectives tomorrow. From Investment Management to Debt Reduction Planning to Insurance Sales to Loan Acquisition we are the premier destination to have your goals achieved. Please reach us at 3472063010.