Germonds Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA. It is a member church of Hudson River Presbytery, the largest of the 12 Presbyterian USA congregations in Rockland County. Germonds has served the community since 1860.
- Germonds Presbyterian Church is a congregation whose members proclaim their faith through their actions.
- Germonds is a covenant people who promise God and other members to uphold the church by their prayers, attendance, gifts and services.
- Germonds is a Diverse Community, firmly committed to inclusiveness.
- Germonds is Mission Oriented and Society Conscious.
- Germonds expresses concern and shares God's love with people of many faiths.
- The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
The congregation has child care for services, youth education programs and special activities - many of them of an intergenerational nature.
Germonds is a singing church with a Children's Choir (Joyful Noise!) and an Adult Choir. The church also encourages members to enrich worship through instrumental music. Germonds has a year-round Christian Education Program and classes meeting concurrently with the worship service.
Scott Ramsey, Pastor
Marion Stefanoff, Church Administrator
Bill Saum, Parish Associate
Tom Wainwright, Organist
Charlene Hicks, Senior Choir Director
Janet Hamann, Youth Choir Director
Daniel Madar, Cemetery Superintendent
Cemetery services: 845-634-3779