The Greenburgh Abbott School District is a Special Act School District located on the 16-acre Abbott House campus in Irvington. Students in the school are comprised both of residential students from Abbott House and day students from community school districts in Westchester County and New York City.
Abbott School is all male, educating boys in grades K-8 who have been homeless, abandoned, neglected, abused or who are developmentally disabled.
The district superintendent is Harold A. Coles, Psy.D.
In addition to classroom teachers who are dually certified, the staff includes school psychologists, enrichment/remedial reading and math teachers, a speech therapist, a guidance counselor, an art teacher, a music teacher and occupational therapy services. The school takes pride in its Arts in Education program, which aims to enrich regular subject areas and provide students with important exposure to the arts. As part of the program, students travel to the Westchester Symphony Orchestra to learn about music and to local museums to learn about the exhibits and visual art concepts. The school also incorporates visiting artists into the school schedule and participates in the Performing Arts Center Children's Shakespeare Festival.
The District provides a strong Special Education program that focuses on individualization. Classes follow the full state-prescribed curriculum for each grade level, including courses in computer literacy and foreign language. Students participate in all state grade level testing.