The Friendliest Local Shop (for the past 8+ years) No, we don't teach Tactical Training or Rambo-Lethal Weapon type tactics for the general public - we leave that up to LEO's; We teach down to earth logical responsible Safety methods in how to use a Firearm and how to defend yourself in a realistic civilian manner. Take your Basic Pistol Safety Course, UTAH Conceal Carry or Defensive Training Courses - www.nyfiresol.com 1004 RT. 22 * Brewster 845.704.7756 ...Life is not a movie, it is as real as it gets...
NY Firearm Solutions provides professional firearm instruction toward obtaining an initial NY State and CT pistol permits, upgrade path to NYS FULL Unrestricted Carry as well as the Utah Concealed Carry Permit. We carry a full selection of firearms, ammo and accessories; Also less lethal defensive items such as Tasers, Stun guns, etc.