Nirvana of New York is a renowned fragrance company that has been captivating individuals worldwide since 1986 with their signature scent, EstrusTM. Created by acclaimed author Migene Gonzalez-Wippler, this enchanting fragrance combines exotic ingredients and powerful pheromones to create an irresistible allure that captivates the senses. With its mysterious origins and heavenly patron, EstrusTM has become a trusted love aid, attracting and seducing the objects of desire.
Exclusively made by Nirvana of New York Inc., this fragrance has gained immense popularity and trust among Latin American and global communities. Traditionally applied on the palms, chest, and feet, EstrusTM envelops the wearer in a magical web of sensual attraction. Accompanied by a prayer to the archangel Anael, the ruler of love, Nirvana of New York offers a unique and captivating experience for those seeking to enhance their allure and embrace the power and blessings of the angels.
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