We specialize in personalizing your health care through acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet recommendations, supplements, and meditation. At Sanctuary Winds Medicine, our goal is to support creating space for Sanctuary in your Body. Your Body wants to heal with you. Your body has the innate intelligence to grow and evolve. Through Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, we work with those wanting to reach optimal physical, mental, and emotional health to reach their highest potential. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has been used for over 3,000 to create harmony with the internal and external environment. It has been shown to support: Digestive distress, ADHD, depression, anxiety, organ functioning, diabetes, cancer, colds and cases of flu, covid infections or long haul, autoimmune presentations, PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, uterus bodied health, anti-aging, and much more.