Audiologist, Hearing aids, Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts
Elite Audiology
A Team You Can Trust The two most common hearing problems are hearing loss and tinnitus. For over 30 years we have specialized in helping people and their families overcome hearing problems. Hearing care is a process and we offer a free initial consultation so that you can ask questions, learn about our services and decide if we are a good match for your needs. While here we can obtain a baseline measure of your hearing and provide a "listening" demonstration of the latest technology. We custom fit and service all major hearing aid brands including Starkey, Oticon, Siemens (Miracle Ear), Phonak, Resound (Beltone), Widex. Ask about our unique "test drive" of tailored hearing technology - always computer programmed and verified with probe-microphone (real ear) measures. Ringing or noises in the ears is a common problem but it can be treated. There are a variety of treatment approaches that can help people who were previously told that they would have to "live with it". Call us to schedule a full tinnitus consultation to determine what can be done to reduce the annoyance of your tinnitus.