Services, nec, nec
Rose St Julien, LCSW
History25 years of experience; Affordable fixed price; individual sessions $60, group session $25.SpecialtiesEveryone experiences stress and difficulty in creating the freedom to face difficulties constructively. Psychotherapy is a collaborative, therapeutic process which appreciates your struggle in life, your unique situation. We sort it out for a revitalized life. Group therapy offers an opportunity for clients to come together for self exploration, sharing, growing in a supportive environment. Couples therapy aids in partners making the choice for a conscious relationship developing new communication skills, helping each other feel safe and valued, learning more effective coping mechanisms, resolving long-standing conflicts. My practice offers individual, group, and couples therapy. Within these modalities clients receive help in lifting disabling symptoms, developing conditions for change, overcoming problems and clarifying personal goals, acquiring skills to realize these goals, and increasing life satisfaction. My practice offers groups which examine restrictive perceptions and self-defeating behaviors, acquire creativity in decision making and conflict resolution. The group experience builds positive self-esteem as a foundation for enjoying life. I have twenty years experience as a professional with extensive training and experience.