Flypaper's story probably starts before you were born. With over 100 years of media experience, our family tree includes names such as Walter E. Hussman (Wehco Media, Inc.), Clyde Palmer, and even Adolph Ochs of the New York Times. These individuals shared many qualities, but none more lasting than their commitment to their customers and an uncanny ability to know what comes next. Constantly evolving, these men navigated their companies through the invention of radio, television, and even the internet. Newspapers, since their origin, were the primary method of connecting business owners with an audience that mattered to them. Today, Google has done the same. Flypaper is part of Wehco Media's lasting commitment to connect local businesses with their customers and support communities with people they can trust.
Web Design, eCommerce, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google AdWords, Social Media Marketing, Retargeting, Email Marketing, and more.