The CEC began out of the Richland Hills Church of Christ when members wanted to help provide food to families in need. In 1988, it become a 501c3 nonprofit organization that helps low-income, homeless families and victims of family violence.
Our vision at the Community Enrichment Center (CEC) is to break the cycle of poverty and family violence. For 30 years, the CEC has been a partner in change to our Northeast Tarrant low-income neighbors. The CEC has continued to grow and expand our services to serve victims of family violence, homeless and low-income families and individuals across Tarrant County. Today, the CEC works directly with these families and individuals to move them out of crisis and into stability through employment readiness, high school equivalency, financial coaching, counseling, safe housing, food and basic necessities. These tools and Christ-centered resources help the CEC coaching staff to restore hope and share God's love while guiding families toward a bright future which will end their cycle of poverty and/or family violence.