Opened as a Pottery studio, grown into Art Studio with Ceramic, Acrylic, Watercolor, Pastels, Multi Media, 3-D Art, Wood, Glass, Sculpture, Pottery Wheel and much more.
Every studio, just like a school, has an objective and view on how art is created and produced. This is how we operate, how we plan our classes and workshops and what you can expect from us. We define Art as the expression of human creativity and invention through various media and unlimited form. We do not believe that there are limits to human creativity. Everyone has the innate ability to create something beautiful. Art is what comes from the biological curiosity of human nature and desire for self-expression, the drive to discover and learn. Art does not belong to a select group of individuals, nor is it the property of the elite and educated. Art is for everyone: the living expression of the self though physical manifestation. Art is the oldest and most universal form of communication humanity has ever known. Each class at Clay Cafe must contain history of art, media and culture. Facts about what is being taught such as when this media was invented, who pioneered it, how it is made or whether or not it has had an impact on history and its relevance to our lives. These bite sized facts make the creation so much more interesting and sets Clay Cafe apart from other studios. We are not here to simply hand people art supplies and say